Wednesday, April 13, 2011

9:22 PM, nothing to do

hai. ngepost terakhir nyampe mana? -_- hahahaha gatau mau ngapain, cape belajar, mau download lagu bingung, twitter bosen, mau tidur ga ngantuk mau main tp ga ada temen sm udah malem lagian main apa coba... o_o mau curhat disni aja :)

pertama, gue kesel sm sedih gara2 hardisk gue rusak ga bisa ketolong lagi jadi semuanya ludes.... dannnnn laptop dicolong padahal lagu di iTunes gue udah banyak. dan bodohnya lagu2nya ga gue simpen diflashdisk. ngenes. ya kali gue download satu2 kan gamungkin :'(
kedua, tadinya gue udah pede mau download lagu sealbum tp nyatanya udah ga bisa...... tambah ngenes TT_TT
ketiga, UN udah bener2 didepan mata. harus be;ajar terus tp godaan banyak bgt trus jd gampang cape, baru belajar dikit ntar tiba2 ketiduran ._. trus bentar lagi LIBUUUUUUUUUUUUUUR PANJANGGGGGGGGG WUHUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!! coba bisa ngeskip UN ya hmm
tp berati bentar lagi pisah sm tvrlt..... :(( i'm gonna miss tvrlt & 9c!!!!
keempat, hal yg sama banyak barang yg gue mau tp ga ada duit
kelima, galau sma dimana insyallah alpus 3
keenam, mau cepet2 libur, bebas, mau ngapain aja bodo amat
ketujuh, mau cepet2 libur, bebas, mau ngapain aja bodo amat
kedelapan, mau cepet2 libur, bebas, mau ngapain aja bodo amat
kesembilan, mau cepet2 libur, bebas, mau ngapain aja bodo amat
kesepuluh, mau cepet2 libur, bebas, mau ngapain aja bodo amat

mau cepet2 libur, bebas, mau ngapain aja bodo amat

Thursday, December 23, 2010


her name is Alfrida Mohamach. & I LOVE HER SO DAMN MUCH. you can call her alfrida/frida/al/atrejo/frodo/or apalah terserah -_- keren ga sih gue temenan deket bgt dari kls 7 samppe sekarang... dulu 7D bareng doi, tp pas kelas 8 udah beda kls. gue 8B, doi 8C. dan kls 8 masih deket bgt. eh sekarang ketemu lg pas 9C :-D sampe sekarang masih deket bgt. super wow. kan biasanya kalo udah beda kls jd berubah gt (menurut gue ya). she's my besties in my jhs but not just her :-) she's one of them. doi temen curcol gue dari kls 7 sampe sekarang. she's a good listener :-) she's pretty, she's cool, she's awesome, she's smart, she's PUNK ROCK & EMO! tp bukan poni dia yg emo, genre lagun2nya \m/ mantep2. contoh: avenged sevenfold, escape the fate, ALESANA, my chemical romance, fall out boy, all time low, the red jumpsuit apparatus, anddd many more. ternyata kita punya beberapa kesamaan ya frid :') yep gue kalo soal musik lebih yg ke screamo, hardcore, metal, punkrock, rock, alternative, dll. tp doi feminim bgt.... she's loves pink -_- she have a big eyes O_O hehehe bagus kok. malah pgn bgt punya mata kaya doi, karena gue sipit =_= she's a vietnam gurl :P

pertama kali gue ketemu alfrida itu pas lg baris ke perpustakan. dia dibelakang gue gt, trus dia petakil sm berisik gt, kayanya anaknya senga, sok2an... nah trus pas sekelas sm dia di 7D kenalan gtgt, eh ternyata salah dugaan anaknya asik bgt!!!!!! sorry frid for my bad prediction :P lo pasti juga ngira gue galak, songongkan? -_- i know, cause everybody told me. they said i have a 'sangar' face. wtf. huahahaha mungkin karena gue sipit =_= (?).
OIYA! innget bgt dulu tiap minggu ke pim ato ga ke teko ato ga ke 9walk ngegaul, kerjaannya ngegila mulu. itu pas masih kelas 7, pas kelas 8 udah mulai jarang pergi, masih sih tp ga sering kaya pas kelas 7. tp masih tetep deket masih curcol. curcol about boys, lovelife, life, music, many more. EA gue curcol tentang siapa ya.... HAHAHAHAHA JADUL. trus pas kelas 9 ketemu lagi, curcol lagi *\(^.^)/* tp ya ga tiap hari curcol juga yakali ktm cuma buat curcol doang...

& i'm so lucky to have a good friend like you :-)
big thanks and smooch for helping me. udah ngebantu gue. semuanya. makasih bgtttt udah banyak bantu. you know what i mean right? :'P seriusan deh kalo gue ga kenal sm lo, ini semua ga bakal kejadian frid. aaaaa gatau harus ngomong apalagi. bingung -.-
btw kita pernah berantem gasih? seinget gue sih ga pernah \m/ longlast ya kita (?) hehehe gadeng canda ntar ada yg marah lagi :P aaaaaa what can i say? still remember that moment? he hold my hand, and you saw it!!! OMG. lo ngatain gue mulu sm adhit "sejam yg lalu EALO" huhuhu T.T what a unfogettable moments :-D masih inget ga yg pas pelajarannya pak iden, tgl 21oktober, yg lo foto candid astagahhhh T.T & STILL REMEMBER SMACKDOWN? HAHA LMFAO! gue nelfon lo pas sore2 with my random feelings. "hah huh hah huh harus ngomong apa nih frid?!?!?!?!" lo bilang "ya lo harus bilang ke dia tentang perasaan lo ke dia, jujur aja tii". still remember BK? huehehehe :-) btw maaf frid jd nostalgia gini -_- bukannya gimana2 ya cm gue mikir aja, gimana kalo kita ga pernah kenal, ga pernah deket, semuanya ga bakal kejadian. satu lagi, still remember that night? that day? that moment? that person? the time when everything feels so sucks and fuck. otpan sm lo, lama bgt, maaf waktu itu ga bisa nahan bgt.

look! look!

cantik cantik cantik? :3 iyalah~
AAAAAA pokoknya i love you bgt bgt bgt deh friddddd :*
xoxo, tarski

2010 :')

ga kerasa bgt sebentar lagi 2011, padahal gue ngerasa baru 2010. taun kemaren taun baruan dipuncak, trus pulang kerumah ngerasa 2010 bakal ngerasa lama bgt. eh skrng udah mau ganti taun aja. it feels so fast... it's hard to say goodbye to 2010, i'm not ready. many precious memories in 2010, sweet memories, bad memories, unforgettable memories :') and i can learn something in this year i guess... 8 days left.

i wish 2011 will be better than 2010 and 2009. no more sadness, no more tears, no more enemy, no more hate, no more lazy, just happy & laugh! :D
2011 be nice for me and everyone, i hope 2011 will be a special year. well, what can i say? thankyou 2010 you makes me stronger, i'll never forget you anyway. aaaaa bakal kangen bgt sm 2010 emang sih, i think 2010 isn't my lucky year. setiap taun pasti ada buruk ada engganya :-) i can learned that sometimes the things you want most you just can't have...

you know. UN is getting closer, and i'm not ready for that. kayanya gue udah harus mulai ngurangin main2nya nih, tp gmn ya -_- labil nih (?) "STUDY HARD FOR UN" kata2 itu bener bgt, tp ya taulah penyakit remaja jaman sekarang... yaitu males. dan itu sulit dihilangkan. right? kadang aja mandi gue suka males HEHEHE tp emang benerkan? we call it "MAGER" \m/

2011 wishlist:
- of course, better than 2010
- #TEVERALTI17 lulus 100% nilainya bagus2
- pengen hp baru....
- iTouch
- nike rainbow/nike pacman/nike shark
- malesnya agak ngurang dikit
- barang2 yg ada di looklet (that so impossible anyway) tp ga semuanya juga -_- milih2lah hehehehe -_-
- nonton a rocket to the moon
- new notebook
- new shoes
- new clothes
- new bag
- new parfume
- i want my roller shoes back
- cookie monster's hat!
- sennheiser for iPod, iPhone, MP3
- saosin & 3oh!3 albums. soalnya langka bgt nyari ke aquarius, disc tarra, ga nemu2 :(
- many more... gamungkin juga kan semuanya gue sebutin -_-
amin! semoga allah mendengar apa yg gue mau :)

and i'm wishing for the one i love to find me someday, i'm hoping & i'm dreaming of the nice things he'll say

what else? just hope for the best :-D
xoxo, tarski

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

D is for Dania!♥ \m/

wheyyy! i wanna tell you something. and it's about my freaky-cute-cool-crazy friend. her name is Dania Laksmitasari :-) sebenernya gue pengen ngepost part of my life hehehehehe tp satu2 dulu yea -_- ok. nama dia adalah Dania Laksmitasari, kalian bisa panggil doi dania/danski/danye/bebi dania/beybey dania/RUBAH! :D knp harus rubah? gue juga gatau tiba2 diotak gue manggil dia rubah yaudah nama kecil gue buat dia rubah :'D padahal ga mirip... &&&& she's like a thailand's girl, i mean she have a little eyes o_o like me! HEHEHE ya, kalian bisa sebut sipit =_= tapi dia tinggi :o
dania itu pintar. banget malah T.T pinter mtk, gambar juga, aaaaaa pinter semua deh wkwk yakan dan? ^^ dan dia pintar mencuri hati milik seseorang :')

awal gue deket sama dania itu kelas 7. ga deket sih cuma kaya kenal gt, mulai deketnya itu pas kelas 8 :D
first time i meet her, di dalem otak gue "kok orangnya rada judes ya-_-" HEHE JUJUR BOLEH YA DAN PEACEOUT! trus gatau tiba2 pas kelas 8 kaya deket gt wkwk keren \m/
sempet deket pas jambore ekskul gitu pas kelas 7 kan sekamar. hm kinda miss that moment srsly... :')

oiya btw dia juga camar-ers loh!! *\=D/* masa gue camar 11 dia camar 12 tp jaraknya jauh banget -_- emang nih camar alay sm aneh bgt. trus doi ulangtahun tgl 18 juni 1996 right dan? hm what else? OIYA! pas pertama kali deket kirain gue dia anaknya kaya judes-bodoamat-cuek eh gataunya..........................dalemnya.............................


mungkin doi merasakan hal yg sama -_- kata orang2 gue mukanya kaya sangar gt, cuek, brandalan, galak, pendiem. eh ternyata....... kata mereka ya..... gue bacot sm gila sm baik :'D itu pendapat mereka loh :----) hahahaha lol lo ti -_-
gue sm doi punya Mr.Right tp bukan bentuk manusia, tapi marmut. sayangnya gue ga ada fotonya adanya dihp doi huhu. he's name is Muchul. yg ngasih nama gue loh :D *abaikan
dania itu sm*sh-ers YAKAN? HUAHAHAHAHAHAHA. gue punya aibnya dania :') dan dia juga punya aib gue. dan itu gue lebih ngaib daripada apapun. DAN ITU DIVIDEOIN. f u. tapi jika suatu saat kita berpisah, kamu akan selalu mengenangnya dan :''D i'll gue ga akan apus foto aib lo, gue ga akan buang gambar2 dari lo, i'll never forget the time when i'm falling down and then you came to cheer me up :-) tp bukan dania doang yg bikin gue seneng, tp semua teman2ku tercinta :-D maaf gabisa sebutin satu2 hehe. i'll never forget you dan, my lovely fox!♥

btw kenapa gue unyu ya? -_-

yap ini ada foto yg namanya dania nih

cantik kan? :3
xoxo, tarski

Monday, December 20, 2010

A Little Too Not Over You - David Archuleta

It never crossed my mind at all.
It's what I tell myself.
What we had has come and gone.
You're better off with someone else.
It's for the best, I know it is.
But I see you.
Sometimes I try to hide
What I feel inside,
And I turn around.
You're with him now.
I just can't figure it out.

Tell me why you're so hard to forget.
Don't remind me, I'm not over it.
Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth.
I'm just a little too not over you.
Not over you....

Memories, supposed to fade.
What's wrong with my heart?
Shake it off, let it go.
Didn't think it'd be this hard.
Should be strong, movin' on.
But I see you.
Sometimes I try to hide
What I feel inside.
And I turn around,
You're with him now.
I just can't figure it out.

Tell me why you're so hard to forget.
Don't remind me, I'm not over it.
Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth.
I'm just a little too not over you.

Maybe I regret everything I said,
No way to take it all back, yeah...
Now I'm on my own..
How I let you go, I'll never understand.
I'll never understand, yeah, oohh..
Oohhh, oohhh, oohhhh..
Oohhh, ooohhhh, oohhh.

Tell me why you're so hard to forget.
Don't remind me, I'm not over it.
Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth.
I'm just a little too not over you.

Tell me why you're so hard to forget.
Don't remind me, I'm not over it.
Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth.
And I really don't know what to do.
I'm just a little too not over you.
Not over you

Over You - Chris Daughtry

Now that it's all said and done, I can't believe you were the one
To build me up and tear me down like an old abandoned house
What you said when you left, just left me cold and out of breath
I felt if I was in way to deep, guess I let you get the best of me

Well, I never saw it coming, I should have started running
A long, long time ago
And I never thought I'd doubt you, I'm better off without you
More than you, more than you know

I'm slowly getting closure, I guess it's really over
I'm finally getting better
And now I'm picking up the pieces, spending all of these years
Putting my heart back together

'Cause the day I thought I'd never get through
I got over you

You took a hammer to these walls, dragged the memories down the hall
Packed your bags and walked away, there was nothing I could say
And when you slammed the front door shut, a lot of others opened up
So did my eyes so I could see that you never were the best for me

Well, I never saw it coming, I should have started running
A long, long time ago
And I never thought I'd doubt you, I'm better off without you
More than you, more than you know

I'm slowly getting closure, I guess it's really over
I'm finally getting better
And now I'm picking up the pieces, spending all of these years
Putting my heart back together

'Cause the day I thought I'd never get through
I got over you

Well, I never saw it coming, I should have started running
A long, long time ago
And I never thought I'd doubt you, I'm better off without you
More than you, more than you know

Well, I never saw it coming, I should have started running
A long, long time ago
And I never thought I'd doubt you, I'm better off without you
More than you, more than you know

I'm slowly getting closure, I guess it's really over
I'm finally getting better
And ow I'm picking up the pieces, spending all of these years
Putting my heart back together

Well, I'm putting my heart back together
'Cause I got over you and I got over you
And I got over you

'Cause the day I thought I'd never get through
I got over you

Friday, December 17, 2010

Perfectly Good Heart - Taylor Swift

Why would you wanna break a perfectly good heart?
Why would you wanna take our love and tear it all apart,now?
Why would you wanna make the very first scar?
Why would you wanna break a perfectly good heart?

Maybe I should've seen the signs, should've read the writing on the wall.
And realized by the distance in your eyes that I would be the one to fall.
No matter what you say, I still can't believe
That you would walk away.
It don't make sense to me, but:

Why would you wanna break a perfectly good heart?
Why would you wanna take our love and tear it all apart, now?
Why would you wanna make the very first scar?
Why would you wanna break a perfectly good heart?

It's not unbroken anymore.
How do I get it back the way it was before?

Why would you wanna break a perfectly good heart?
Why would you wanna take our love and tear it all apart,now?
Why would you wanna make the very first scar?
Why would you wanna break, would you wanna break a:

Why would you wanna break a perfectly good heart?
Why would you wanna take our love and tear it all apart, now?
Why would you wanna make the very first scar?
Why would you wanna break a perfectly good heart?